

Over 160 authoritative indicators give you a full view of market trend and competitive landscape.

  • App Comprehensive Performance Evaluation. This Database offers a variety of data metrics including but not limited to, downloads, installations, uninstallations etc., that help professionals to evaluate the comprehensive performance of Apps.
  • App User Quality Evaluation. This Database helps professionals to evaluate the quality of target App's user base by observing the behavior of App users.
  • App User Conversion Analysis. This database monitors the target App's users' conversion from downloads to being active and eventually to leaving the App.
  • App User Profile Analysis. This database offers App Users' demographic and geographic profile data.
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First Hand Data of App Performance in Multi-Scenario.

  • Actual daily metrics that help users track the performance of mobile Apps from multiple angles.
  • Highly efficient analysis tools and charts that help users to perform operation analysis, product competition analysis, market analysis and a variety of other use cases.
  • Upgraded algorithms with AI features that help users to identify and track Apps with similar growth patterns.
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TRUTH-Dark Horse List

TRUTH-Dark Horse List

A Compass That Points You to The Right Direction. A Radar That Detects The Player With The Highest Potential.

  • A Compass that helps professionals to sense the early trend of the next high potential sector.
  • A Laser Pointer that helps professionals to identify the fastest growing Apps in target sectors.
  • A Scale that tracks the user number and growth trend of target Apps.
  • A Radar that scans the entire mobile internet and no App is too small for it to track.
  • An Analytical Tool that helps professionals to predict the future growth of target App/Sector.
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Discover The Value of Traffic Across All Platforms.

  • Command the highest ground of strategic decision making by grasping the trend across all platforms of the mobile internet.
  • Understand the value of users by analyzing the trend on Standalone App, WeChat Mini Programs, AliPay Mini Programs, Baidu Mini Programs and other platforms.
  • Spot the next opportunity by understanding the flow of user traffic among different platforms.
  • Make better operation decisions by understanding the demographic features of users across all platforms.
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TRUTH-Mini Program

TRUTH-Mini Program

Full-View Insight into Mini Programs

  • Data of all mainstream mini programs present the market landscape and pattern of various segements.
  • Whole lifecycle data of mini programs give clients a hand in making targeted competitive strategy.
  • Data about overlapped users of different mini programs and users behavior towards Official Accounts reveal the positioning and operating model of mini programs.
  • Comprehensive user profile data empower operating and marketing.
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